Thursday, November 24, 2011

gobble wobble

Today was such a terrific day. I am so thankful for the people we got to spend it with. Okay, it was even a little fun to have three old highschool friend run-ins! So fun to hang out with friends on holidays, that has become one of my favorite things about thanksgiving! Friends AND family! Whoo would of thUnk it!

We have so much everyday to be thankful for. Running water, a roof over our heads, a deliciously comfy bed, a television with a DVD player, Nip/Tuck, Fergie, green bunny..... maybe our lists are a little bit different but I bet that everyone has some similiarities. Before I go to bed tonight I am going to sit and write down things I am thankful for that I maybe don't appreciate daily. So, I thought I would provide you with some highlights...didn't want to give you the whole she-bang because then...well, I don't want you stealing my thankful list or anything. This will be pretty quick and painless because the nap that I just woke up from two hours ago isn't doing it. I need to hit the hay before some black friday shopping!

I am overly superly happily blessedly thankful for....

*Family (of course)-thanks for loving me unconditionally, even though you ask yourselves every day how I ended up with you all the way from my home state (Missouri) and how I am the oddest person you GET to call your daughter/sister.
*Fergie-thank you for being the most...interesting mode of transportation and always providing me with some unique characteristics
*Bright colors- how sad would it be if everything was black & white all the time? Pleasantville style. Colors always add something more can dig deeper if you want but I am really just talking about to my wardrobe of course. Joking.....mostly.
*Friends- I cannot imagine being blessed with more quality people in my life. Thank you for making every day a little bit more exciting (Sisters thoughts..."you know they have a FRIENDS episode on this)
*Blankies- I mean lets be real, you guys get to hang out with me EVERY DAY. I know, you are so lucky. Be nice and I will get you something good for Christmas from Santa. But really, I know I am 21 (ignoring the fact I will be 22 in a few weeks.. WOO!) but I love my blankies. I'll shout it from the roof top, eventually if you want. But for now, I will stick to my bed.
*Mexican- I could not live without Mi Cocina. But I wouldn't be picky either. Any mexican food. Chips, salsa and queso and a margarita and I am in a happy place. Heck, we all know I do love a little mexi-dips-n-chips from Bueno! Yikes I'm getting hungry.
*Squirrely (themister) (bailey?)- Our dogs are quite the interesting crowd. If they were humans, you would never expect them to be sitting together in a restaurant or anything. My squirrely whirly girly would be ravishing, she is a little bit older than Lucky so perhaps she would be seen as a cougar (she also likes Bingo, tip for ya boys!) Lucky....well, he hahah gets to proud of himself and extremely warn out when he runs around the pool twice, chases his tail, or decides he is frisky and takes a lap around the house. Shoutout to Lucky's only friend our athlete, the model, Bailey our 3rd dog who visits weekly!
*The Holiday Season....well, that's easy, because everyone is/or should be...a little bit more merry.

goodnight all! I need to go and write down my thankful things before I get too sleepy! Hope you had a wonderful day! It really is the little things in life...

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