Tuesday, May 3, 2011

show and tell

If today was show and tell this is what I would share:

--I think I will die the day I have 20 followers. Or 1,000. Now, now let's not get ahead of ourselves.

--Ever have those days when you really want to listen to some good music but everything you turn on you have heard before and is just annoying and making your ears burn? Okay maybe it isn't making your ears burn but it is most definitely painful.

--I want to win a shopping spree. I need it. I also want more dolls. As in the cash kind, but shout out to all of the real dolls out there, I love you guys too.

--I didn't even have IHeartYogurt today when I took Alex (boy I pick up from school.) I shocked myself.

--There are in fact attractive men who teach children Karate. Very attractive men. And no lady behind me, I am not this childs mother. How old would that make me when I had him? (Wait for it..) Yes, 15. I know that is not unrealistic...

--How come there aren't more than 24 hours in a day? We humans. We are busy people.

--Yesterday was Haley's birthday and as a party favor I got her old camera! I would say that as the youngest sibling...a title I will never ever not have attached to my name..& I got a party favor! The best party favor, ever! Her old camera! RIP old Canon, you were such a trooper, but....I don't even feel really bad saying goodbye to you, so there. (Thanks again, Sister!)

--Green Bunnie is on his last stuffing. Meaning, he needs to be put in a special place. Not in stuffed animal heaven..but on a shelf, somewhere comfortable where he can be happy. Do you think that would be acceptable? Or would he talk behind my back and get sad like the toys in Toy Story 3? Poor things.

--I leave for camp in 20 days. Whoaaaaaaaa.

--I am currently watching Nip/Tuck and if the Public Library would hurry its bottom on up I could have the end of the First Season and the beginning of the Second. I am dying! Eek!!

I realize this wasn't exactly SHOW as it was TELL and we all know we love pictures....so...I would be lying if I said that I had any to show you so, too bad. Suckers. Oh and happy tuesday : )

1 comment:

  1. Glad you love the camera!!! I love you. Thanks for making my Birthday so special. You are the best!
