Monday, November 14, 2011

i should really just quit

it seems like all i ever do is apologize for not posting, so, sorryimnotsorry. like the facelift? it paid a little visit to mcnamara/troy. speaking of, my squirreler is having a little operation on wednesday..let's cross our fingers all goes well. either way, she has a present waiting for her when she gets home on wednesday & i know that when she is hiding out in her room or hiding under the bed pretending not to hear us calling for her, that she is just mad because i won't give her present to her early. she learns from the best, surely. i'll keep you updated on how much she likes it.

not much new going on in the crazy/exciting world of annabelle. some areas of my room are clean right now; i appreciate those areas. when i get around to it i am going to invent a little "elf on a shelf" looking guy for myself. sorry everyone, he is not for $ALE! he would sing christmas songs and be merry while hanging up my clothes on a hanger and putting them nicely in my closet where they are supposed to go. (pause) a girl can dream. i also need some awesome containers for my yarn so it is not lined up in bags in my room. that's why it's messy, you see. yep. right that. darn you yarn!

currently obsessed with/only songs listening to?
--more specifically
{not over you}

amazing. download. you'll find yourself a recording artist singing in your car. i am.

i could list a million &1 things i should be doing right now other than this (one of them being  turning off my computer cause that spinny wheel is coming a little too often, mr.mac)

things i should be doing vs. things i would rather be doing:
-always a conflict of interest in my little world.

should be doing?
-studying more for my test tomorrow morning
-completing my outline for my speech
-write my speech
-make a powerpoint for my speech
-google how to make a powerpoint
-attempt to use a zip drive for the first time in my life
-getting sleep.

(so much so that i keep switching over to type this list)
**watching trashy tv!
**my chinese sudoku book!!
**reading BREAKING DAWN!!
...dear bella,jacob,edward,rosalie,carlisle,emmitt,esme &wolfpack...i will not be happy seeing the movie until i am done reading the book.
**rummikub. could seriously play all day. would change my life if someone actually would play with me in real life.
**thinking about christmas music
**calling everyone and annoying them because i know that hark the herald is about to be played for everyone to hear!
**celebrating that it is almost thanksgiving! WHICH MEANS (drumroll...) JOOOOOOYYYYY TOOOO THE WOOOOORRRRRlLlLlllLDdddDDD!

i apologize. i'm loosing it. time to go watch the holiday for the 76th time.
ho ho the mistletoe. school is making me go cra-ZY!
pray for my whirly pearly girly squirrely! i know hers is going to love and appreciate her eyeball lift so much! she will come home and want to..................
take a nap, of course.

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