Thursday, February 17, 2011

squirrel goes viral

I've become a dare devil. Actually, no I haven't. Let's be real. I am probably the least daring person you will ever meet. Daring would be...jumping off a bridge (of course attatched to something..),  repelling down a building, or in my case- sleeping with your window open. Now, please do not judge the fact that my window is hideous, is in serious need of curtains/a  little blow out on its "balcony" but nevertheless, its my recent "dare to dance" (mk&a anyone?)

Window: I have been really obsessed with the weather lately. I mean seriously, obsessed. Windows down all the time, I guess I was just in desperate need to get out of long pants, scarves, hunter boots and ice. Thankfully--at least for now, the weather gods are shining down on us. Well, without the actual "shine" of course. Sun coming soon.. (or so says Pete Delkus) I tried to explain to my Aunt last night that I was going to sleep with my window open and that this was a huge deal. She laughed. So did I. It's so lame. I am a camp counselor--and survive a brutal (using the world lightly..) night of sleeping on a tarp, by Lake Travis with two cabins of children, about 4 counselors and nothing above your head. It's rough...but you feel like you just won the olympic medal when you finally arrive back at your cabin and sneak into your bed for another couple hours of sleep because obvi you didn't sleep at all before, or at least not "tylenol pm" induced sleep.  I love campout and proceeded to tell Schelin of my daring act last night- I think she was proud. It's a step, at least :)

Dance: I've been really into my iPod lately. Always playing some kind of something, the other day I played John Mayer ALL day long (Haleys rolling her eyes and will probably skip to the end now..) Then I have been on a Natasha Bedingfield kick, her new CD is awesome and should get more credit than it does. Also, a sidenote from my random scatterbrain is that there are few people that can calaborate from one catgeory to another on a song and get away with it and 1. Kelly Clarkson can sing anything and be a genius and now 2. Natasha Bedingfield (with Rascal Flatts) check out both songs. I promise you won't regret it. Back to "dance", put on your ipod, some socks and shuffle around your room. With the window open...of course.

Squirrel decided to get into Valentine's day this year and make everyone (Mom and Haley) some Valentine's decorations. (She accidentally took this picture while trying to close the laptop...hehe she will probably be mad at me for showing it to you all..)

She realized late one evening that she missed Modge-Podge and had a ton of scrapbook paper....and cut out squares of a peach paper and green and white paper and traced hearts on one side then modge podged the other side! They were so cute, and easy. And look! After a little scissors, modge podge and ribbon later..Whala! Instant Valentine's "mobile."

I am vowing a very sacred vow that when Dad gets home from Austin I will use his camera to snap some pictures of my room instead of using my oh so fancy photobooth (aka why you are staring at these pictures saying "those are AWFUL!" I am.) but, if you look at it this way.... I wouldn't put pictures on here unless for photobooth so a big round of applause for photobooth!

I am also almost done with Nicholas Sparks latest "Safe Haven" it is pretty good and I am about 100 pages away from being done. When I get into a book I tend to go into "MANIAC MODE" and so I would say by the next time I post (funny joke..I promise it wont be a month from now...) that I will have finished it and have a little review for all of you, trusty readers! Have a great rest of the day, I am going to go and get my read on with my friends...

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