Sunday, November 28, 2010

counting blessings

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name. 
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever. 
Psalm 100:4-5

We had such a wonderful thanksgiving. The weather was wonderful. We spent Thanksgiving this year with The Bernbaums for appetizers and then we went over to Don & Linda's (GFizzle & Grandpa's) for Thanksgiving with the Teague/Dale clan. It was so wonderful and such great company, could not imagine a more perfect day.There is just so much to be thankful for this year and every year. I know that I am always thankful that I have my family to spend thanksgiving with each year. I cannot imagine not spending a holiday with them...I know that will be a hard thing when it happens at some point. I am thankful for my Mom. I am thankful for my Dad. I am thankful for my Ist. I am thankful for Terry. I am thankful for Lucky. I am thankful that I will get to spend my first birthday ever with Grammie.  I am thankful for friends. I am thankful that I have a heater in my room. I am thankful that I can shower everyday (if I want too.) I am thankful for clothes. I am thankful for children. I am thankful for love.

Someone very close to me taught me to keep a Thankful journal...I am going to back on that track again very soon. And everyday you list things that you are thankful for. Or more thankful for that day that you maybe forgot about. It is a great thing to do before bed, just to get on a routine. It's time for me to stop my study break and study for another hour before I fall asleep on the keyboard..

But, I hope that you are all finding yourselves thankful this holiday season. For anything in your life. Big or small. (ex....I am thankful for green bunnie...) But really, I am thankful for all of my animals/dolls that still remain in my room. Because I cannot let go of them. And Mom, dream on of ever getting them out of here now especially because of watching Toy Story 3. Haley, I bet you felt horrible after watching that movie knowing that Carol is in your room all alone. Don't worry, she slept in here the other night with Lucy.

Snow Village is up.
The Christmas lights are on!
The Christmas TREE IS ON!
Ding dong merrily on high...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking care of Carol doll for me. :) I love her very much!
